Blue Mallee Eucalyptus oil – connections with the past
In ancient times, Aboriginal people used eucalypt for a range of purposes. It was used as medicine for fevers, chills and body aches, respiratory ailments, as well as an antiseptic to wrap around wounds and treat minor burns, cuts, scratches, and other skin infections. It is well known for its anti-bacterial properties and was also used to relieve tired muscles. In addition to its’ medicinal uses, eucalypts were also used to make a range of tools and weapons like spears, boomerangs, and coolamons. The trees were also used to build shelters.
Blue Mallee Eucalyptus oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the Australian native Blue Mallee Tree. Jalbi Australia has chosen to use it in our products for its uplifting and revitalising benefits.
We are proud to share another use of this beautiful Australian native with you, our customers, through our enriching Hand + Body Wash, and antibacterial nourishing Sanitiser.
What a wonder tree!